The ultimate woodworker tool cart

+ Hidden door shelf


The ultimate woodworker tool cart

Stop walking back and forth to your workbench. Roll your most-used tools right where you're working - organized, stable, and workshop-tough.

  • Easy-reach tool storage

  • Heavy-duty mobility

  • Workshop-tested design

  • Skill level: advanced

Includes unlimited access to thousands of premium projects

DIY $50 full length wall mirrors

I hope you’re all having a safe and happy start to the new year. I was ready to change things up in my dining room so I decided that I needed some new mirrors! I designed these DIY full length wall mirrors using only plywood and 2×4. It’s a simple build and a great beginner project!

By Shanty2Chic

Hidden door shelf

Have you always wanted a secret room? Well here is your chance with this custom hidden door. Perfect for a shoe shelf or book shelf! This is not a one size fits all project. Don't worry, I'll show you step by step how to get the perfect measurements for your specific space.

By Mailey Elaine

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