Home gym storage caddy

+ Camp loft bed

Build a skateboard rack

I built a skateboard rack to give club room visitors a place to securely store their skateboards and longboards after zipping around campus.

It gave purpose to some unused 2x4 stud wood that has been sitting in the club room for years.

After making a quick 3d model in Autodesk Fusion, I (an amateur) worked with a theatre productions teacher and built it in a single afternoon (~6 hours).

It stands 4 feet tall and holds 8 boards, including space for 2 electric boards (which have batteries too thick to fit into the slots).

Today’s project is brought to you by Spotloan:

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Borrow up to $1,500 (up to $800 for new and repeat borrowers, up to $1,500 for preferred customers with 10 or more loans).

Then, pay Spotloan back a little at a time

By Nicholas Arnett

Camp loft bed

Build your own loft bed plans with stairs all from 2x4 and 2x6 lumber!

This super sturdy and beautiful design features a platform for easy access, junior height loft bed plans.

By Ana White

Home gym storage caddy

Full plans to build yourself a mobile storage caddy.

This caddy can be used in so many rooms in the house and for so many various purposes.

This build is done completely out of plywood.

By The Stump Shop

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