Easy DIY Gift

Earring Holder

Easy DIY Gift: Earring Holder

By Sarah,

Found in Ugly Duckling House:

This earring holder can be made easily with scrap wood and can dress up a set of stud earrings as a nice ā€œbonusā€ gift.

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šŸŒŽ Things from the Web:

Watch this pro craft stunning designs with just a few tools!

By concept_bytes

šŸ§ Did you know?

One of the oldest craftsā€¦

Woodworking is one of the oldest human crafts, dating back to ancient civilizations. Archaeologists have found wooden artifacts from as far back as 7,000 BCE in Europe.

Wood is a renewable resourceā€¦

Trees are a renewable resource, making woodworking a sustainable practice when done responsibly. Replanting programs ensure that forests continue to thrive.



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