DIY sliding barn door desk

+ Cocktail garden bar

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DIY sliding barn door desk

I am so excited with how this DIY Sliding Barn Door Desk turned out! I have always had to use my bedroom as a home office space too, and I wanted a desk that could hide lots of junk and house my printers, so I came up with this! Look how cute it turned out!

By Shanty2Chic


Master woodworker’s dream bench

Built for precision and durability, this handcrafted woodworking bench is the perfect workstation for any serious craftsman!

  • Heavy-duty hardwood construction for stability and longevity

  • Built-in storage drawers & cabinets to keep tools organized

  • Versatile work surface with integrated clamps and vises

Includes unlimited access to thousands of premium projects

Cocktail garden bar

The design of this bar has a clean look to it that would be welcomed on any deck or patio and it’s made out of pressure treated Southern Yellow Pine so you know it will stand up to the test of time outdoors.

By Jamison Rantz

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