DIY platform dresser bed

+ Arc bookshelf

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Arc bookshelf

This DIY bookshelf is made out of 3/4" MDF and features a classic arc shape.

By HomeMadeModern


Rustic wardrobe storage

A charming and functional wardrobe design that brings warmth and organization to any space!

  • Spacious shelves for easy storage

  • Elegant wood finish for a natural look

  • Sturdy frame with classic double doors

  • Great for adding "character" to your bedroom furniture

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DIY platform dresser bed

Recently, I closed off a loft space to create one of my oldest daughter’s her own room. She has shared a room with my oldest girl for 10 years, and I thought it would be a fun treat for both of them.

I often find her with a Pottery Barn Teen magazine in her hand and know that I am in trouble 😉 That leads me to today’s build!

By Shanty2Chic



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