DIY floating shelves for the dining room

+ DIY bathtub tray

Built-in loft bed

For my daughter’s 9th birthday, the only thing she wanted was a “beachy” loft bed. So you know I had to make it happen.

But how do you make a loft bed “beachy”? We started by coming up with a design list of must-haves.

By Jamison Rantz

DIY bathtub tray

This DIY bathtub tray is an easy beginner woodworking project and a great addition to any bathroom. Relax and pamper yourself! This can be customized according to the width of your bathtub.

By Erin Spain

DIY floating shelves for the dining room

Make your own Easy DIY Floating Shelves in about an hour! This beginner woodworking project includes FREE printable instructions and a full tutorial. I LOVE how they turned out!

By Shanty2Chic

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