Classy portable wine table

+ DIY stocking holder


Classy portable wine table

This is the perfect gift for your loved ones! Simple plans for an outdoor wine essential.

Stake into the grass for instant entertaining anywhere.

  • Folds for easy carrying

  • Holds a bottle + 2 glasses

  • Perfect for beginners!

Includes unlimited access to thousands of premium projects

Range hood cover

We had to build a new range hood cover for our kitchen renovation so we made this one and wanted to share the process.

Adding a custom hood vent cover to your kitchen renovation is a great way to add a statement piece with your own style.

By Charleston Crafted

DIY stocking holder

I have been so excited to decorate my house for Christmas this year! I have used the same DIY Stocking Holders that I made a few years ago but this year I got an itch to build a new one!

This is a super easy project, you might have the lumber you need in a scrap pile and it’s perfect for a tabletop if you don’t have a mantel!

By Ashley Turner

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